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They’re Not Even Trying to Appear Impartial Anymore: Three Ways the NFL Telegraphed That the Outcome of Super Bowl LIV Was By Design
Three Indicators that the NFL Wanted Kansas City to Win the Super Bowl
First Things First
Although I do believe the officiating in Super Bowl LIV was suspect, I’m not saying the San Francisco 49ers would have pulled off the win, because no one can truly know for sure how the game would have turned out if all things were equal in the area of officiating.
Furthermore, this article is not for the purpose of lamenting the officiating, although I would be doing a disservice to my overall point if I were not to at least touch on it.
I’ve watched countless games over my lifetime of being an NFL fan, and I’ve never seen as many games decided by clear bias in officiating as I have in the past decade. But it’s not a mystery why.
It’s no longer a secret (unless you choose to ignore it) that the NFL is officially identified in the courts as “sports entertainment” and so, is not beyond rigging games for desired outcomes, and cannot legally be held accountable for doing so. The NFL exists to make money, and it will take whatever measures necessary to maximize its profits.
Now, let me be clear before I go any further: the 49ers bear the brunt of responsibility for their loss, most specifically in the areas of an overall…