Member-only story
Dear Christian, Do You Really Love Others?
A simple six-question quiz to tell if your love for others is genuine.
1). The Coffee Shop
You’re sipping coffee in a cafe when you notice a woman at another table get up to get a napkin, leaving her coffee unattended on the table. As she does, a man walks by her table, pours an unknown liquid from a vial into the woman’s coffee, and quickly exits the shop. You immediately warn this woman of what just happened.
What you just did is . . .
A. Loving
You may have saved that woman’s life.
B. Unloving
What that man slipped into that woman’s coffee is none of your business. It’s between him and her. Quit interfering with other people’s lives.
2). The Serpent
A child’s brightly colored ball rolls under a bush. He runs toward the bush to retrieve it, but you know the bush contains a rattlesnake nest. Just before the child reaches his hand beneath the bush, you yell for him to stop.
Yelling at this child to stop is . . .
A. Loving
You may have saved that’s child’s life.